mercredi 30 octobre 2013

Déjeuner ensoleillé (sketch challenge Stuck?!Sketch)

Good Morning! It is so nice and cool outside! FALL is in the air and this weather gets my creative goddess hyperactive ! I love this weather. 
I am in Québec, Canada and I can feel snow is about to visit…  I have created this layout based on a sketch from Stuck?!Sketch, a website I just discovered and displays a lot of ideas ! Just thought I would share :)

Here is my page: déjeuner ensoleillé

Here is the sketch I was inspired by

Thanks for stopping !

dimanche 27 octobre 2013

Selfies with Zoé (Let's Get Sketchy challenge)

Good morning Everyone. I would like to share a layout I created using the Let's Get Sketchy layout which can be found here. I made this layout while cropping with some ladies that I don't get to see often enough… but every time I get a chance to work in their company, I am so inspired !

Yes I am talking of you JJ Sobey and Claude :-)
Well here is my layout : Selfies with Zoé, featuring myself and my beautiful niece last winter

Thanks for stopping by !

mercredi 16 octobre 2013

J'ai 9 ans maintenant

3 weeks ago my Sweet goddaughter came over and had a artistic project to do. I provided her with the necessary items: cardstock, scisors, glue, sparkly things... You see the drill !
While she was creating her masterpiece, I took out this picture of her 9th birthday ... she was so happy to help me scrapbook !  This layout magically came together with her help: she had so many great ideas !!!

Thank you Rebecca for this hour of pure joy !

Auntie Eliane

dimanche 6 octobre 2013

Laisse-Nous Tranquilles !! (L7F influences)

Some few weeks ago I attended the Lucky 7 Factory yearly crop. As usual it was so much fun to be cropping with my friends and use their brand new products ! Their have come out with two totally different lines : Technology and Zenitude... check it out !

Here is the page I made : Laisse-nous tranquilles ! (Leave us alone)

This picture was taken in 2006 and I hadn't scrapped it yet...  Welcome back to my creative goddess who had left on vacation for too long.

Thanks for stopping by !